Chair of hispanic studies

At its meeting on 25 January 2002, the governing board of the Simancas Institute of History (University of Valladolid) unanimously agreed to propose the creation of the D. Antonino Fernández and Dña. Eusicinia González de Fernández Chair of Hispanic Studies. The aim of the Chair is to encourage historical and historiographical reflection on the wide-ranging field that is Hispanic studies, through research, meetings, seminars, series of lectures, publications and so on, addressing a range of topics related to the various historical periods.


At its meeting on 25 January 2002, the governing board of Simancas Institute of History (University of Valladolid) unanimously agreed to propose the creation of the D. Antonino Fernández and Dña. Eusicinia González de Fernández Chair of Hispanic Studies. The aim of the Chair is to encourage historical and historiographical reflection on the wide-ranging field that is Hispanic studies, through research, meetings, seminars, series of lectures, publications and so on, addressing a range of topics related to the various historical periods.

In accordance with the stipulations set out the applicable rules, its endowments shall be provided by its sponsors or by those who represent or succeed them. Subsequent to a proposal submitted to the governing board of the University of Valladolid at its meeting on 23 July, the latter agreed to issue a favourable report concerning the creation of said Chair and designating the Research Commission with the task of drawing up the rules for the Chair.

Given the need to adapt the rules of the Chair to the revised rules governing “Chairs, classrooms and other centres and structures at the University of Valladolid” changes were introduced in the rules of the “Antonino Fernández and Eusicinia González” Chair of Hispanic Studies, approved by the governing board of the University of Valladolid at its meeting held on 25 February 2010. Through the governing board of the Chair, it is the responsibility of Simancas Institute of History (University of Valladolid) to take charge of the organisation, programming and carrying out of whatever activities may be undertaken by the Chair, and to choose the person responsible for organising said activities each two years.



At the proposal of the governing board of the Simancas Institute of History (University of Valladolid), within the general framework of its activities, at its session on 25 January 2002, an agreement was adopted to create the Antonino Fernández and Eusicinia González de Fernández Chair of Hispanic Studies, whose name corresponds to the sponsors thereof.


The Chair, affiliated to the Simancas Institute of History (University of Valladolid), seeks to encourage historical and historiographical reflection on the wide field that is Hispanic studies, through research, meetings, seminars, series of lectures, publications and so on, addressing a range of topics related to the various historical periods.


For the Chair to fulfil its aims and activities, it shall avail itself of the funds donated to the University of Valladolid by its sponsors.


The Chair shall have at least the structure detailed below.

1. The governing board of the Chair, charged with planning its annual activities, shall be made up of the following members appointed at the proposal of the Institute’s governing board:

– Director and Secretary of the Simancas Institute of History (University of Valladolid)

– One representative from each of the areas of Modern, History, Contemporary History, Medieval History, and History of Financial Institutions

– The legal representative of D. Antonino Fernández y Dña. Eusicinia González

2. The Director of the Chairshall be the Director of the Simancas Institute of History (University of Valladolid) who, as set out under article 17 of its rules, shall be a teacher holding the title of doctor at the University of Valladolid. The Director of the Chair shall be appointed by the Chancellor of the University of Valladolid.

3. The cooperation activities shall be based on three different lines of action:

a) Organisation and carrying out of courses, seminars, meetings and sessions aimed at promoting training and research in history.

b) Organisation and carrying out of research projects and programmes.

c) Publication of research work and historical studies.

d) Promoting research grants and awards. e) Any other activity related to the main aims of the Chair.


At the end of each academic year, the governing board shall submit a report reflecting the activities carried out as well as the expenses incurred during the academic year. Said report shall be sent to the chancellor each year and to the sponsors or their legal representative.


At the moment the present rules come into force, the rules governing the Chair of Hispanic Studies approved by the governing board of the University of Valladolid on 23 July 2002 shall be repealed


The present rules shall come into force the day after their publication on the official notice board, subsequent to approval by the governing board of the University of Valladolid.